Gameshow with Thomas Gottschalk & Günther Jauch
RTL Live-TV broadcasting | Nobeo Studios Cologne
I&U TV Produktion GmbH & Co. KG
Gameshow with Thomas Gottschalk & Günther Jauch
RTL Live-TV broadcasting | Nobeo Studios Cologne
I&U TV Produktion GmbH & Co. KG
Gameshow with Thomas Gottschalk & Günther Jauch
RTL Live-TV broadcasting | Nobeo Studios Cologne
I&U TV Produktion GmbH & Co. KG
In the famous RTL Gameshow “Die 2“ the well known German chat-show hosts Thomas Gottschalk and Günther Jauch are challenging the audience in the studio to a duel. In line with the plan to introduce more challenging game rules we are staging a battle with martial art performers wearing illuminated boxing costumes. The exactly arranged sound and light effects care for a fuelled mood. Then we have the presenter Barbara Schöneberger flown in on a floating platform like a goddess. A sensational opening of the broadcast! For the next broadcast Living Sculptures are opening the Live TV-Show. Mysteriously covered with stretch fabrics performers are rising in amorphous shapes from the haze, dancers eclose from a cocoon and move with floating silk fabrics towards Barbara Schöneberger, only to be hazily seen as a silhouette in the backlight. With whirling fabrics the host of the evening is unveiled. Surprisingly Gottschalk and Jauch hatch out, they too were staged as Living Sculptures.
Opening Shows at "Die 2"