SANOSTRA GmbH for show productions starts energetically into the year 2017! With the relaunch of our websites and the interest of the diverse customers increased noticeably. The rate of requests in the first quarter of the year rose again by more than 20%. So we have best forecasts for 2017!
The clear design of the new homepage also facilitates the telephone customer consultation. New customers can be navigated directly in the footer area of the start page through all “Shows and Acts” to provide an overview. The selection of the diverse offer is facilitated by categorizations such as: HighAbove, art beyond gravity, LightItUp, a colorful experience, BeInShape, discover the power of acrobatics WannaBeTrendy, the modern form of movement and LetsDance, Steps to success.
Bestseller and show highlights can be found in the section PremiumActs.
Added to this is the brand-new show module FlyingOctagon – a catchy beat exchange on a floating multi-drum. The LED-drums are played by two drummers in a face to face battle. Complementary this performance can be combined with additional Dancers as well as LightDrummers.
In order to emphasize more clearly that every Showproduction is designed individually for each customer, all modules are listed in the area ShowCreation by themes. Thus the appropriate Showact can be chosen quickly and put together for a full-length show with art-related performances:
The history with our references from 15 years of show production is summarized as a retrospective and can be found under SpecialMoments. In addition, you will find the latest projects as well as a look behind the scenes with backstage images from our SanostraTeam. This area is concluded by a picture gallery of our special and exciting projects around the world.
Thus our team at SANOSTRA starts the new year positively and confidently and is looking forward to many new productions. And of course, we will keep you updated.